Papír és ceruza | SHL Hungary | 23. oldal

Papír és ceruza

Diagrammatic Reasoning Test (DIT6)

In this test candidates have to infer a set of rules from a flow-chart and apply these rules to new situations. This test is a high level measure of symbolic reasoning ability and is especially relevant in jobs that require the capacity to work through complex problems in a systematic and analytical manner, for example, in systems analysis and programme design.

Management and Graduate Item Bank (MGIB) for Middle Managers and Graduates

SHL’s arguably most widely used test battery, the Management and Graduate Item Bank measures logical reasoning with business-related verbal and numerical tasks. MGIB can be used in selection as well as development and promotion.

Test of Productive Thinking (TPT1.1)

Reasoning is necessary but not sufficient in most jobs: one needs original ideas as well. In many cases it is creativity that differentiates the outstanding and the average manager. This version was designed primarily for recent graduates and junior managers. The test is widely used as part of an Assessment Centre. The test measures in a structured way how creative the candidate is when facing problems, and how much they are able find solutions and explanations. Based on the answers of the candidate one can draw inferences about the fluency, diversity, and originality of their ideas.

Numerical Critical Reasoning Test (NMG2)

Measures the ability to make correct decisions or inferences from numerical data presented in graphs and charts. The tasks set and data presented are highly relevant to a range of management level jobs. Since calculators are allowed, the emphasis of the tests is put on understanding and interpreting rather than mental arithmetic.

Numerical Critical Reasoning Test (NMG1)

Measures the ability to make correct decisions or inferences from numerical data presented in graphs and charts. The tasks set and data presented are highly relevant to a range of management level jobs. Since calculators are allowed, the emphasis of the tests is put on understanding and interpreting rather than mental arithmetic.

Verbal Critical Reasoning Test (VMG1)

Measures the ability to evaluate the logic of various kinds of arguments by asking the candidates to interpret written texts. Both the type of tasks and the materials used are related to business-contexts and leadership roles. After reading passages, the task is to decide whether a statement made in relation to the given information is true or untrue, or whether there is insufficient information to judge.

Numerical Reasoning Test (NMT2)

Designed to test the ability to solve business-related numerical problems involving decimals, percentages, averages, ratios, tables, and graphs. The main use of this test would be to establish a manager’s competence in handling basic business data. Calculators are allowed.
