Papír és ceruza | SHL Hungary | 20. oldal

Papír és ceruza

Basic Checking Test (CP7.1)

Measure speed and accuracy of checking at a basic level: for each item, a string of numbers (or letters) is presented and exactly the same string must be chosen from a number of alternatives. Principally for use with clerical staff whose job includes routine checking.

Spatial Recognition Test (ST8.1)

Measures the ability to recognise shapes in two dimensions. The choices are often rotated relative to the given pattern, but ever mirrored. The ability measured by the test is essential in numerous jobs including mechanical jobs and design.

Numercial Reasoning Test (NT6.1)

Measures simple reasoning skills with numbers, with an emphasis on understanding, reasoning and recognising short-cuts to reach solutions. Since problems are expressed within the context of technical work, the test appropriately measures the numerical skills of trained staff. Calculators are allowed.
