test | SHL Hungary


New generation, adaptive ability tests

Our first-generation Verify ability tests are being phased out soon, and therefore it would be important to switch to either the second-generation or the interactive, latest ability tests. Our numerical, deductive (verbal) and inductive ability tests will continue to be available in these test families, as well as our G+ tests, which cover the previous three ability areas together.

Müssen wir uns um den Erfolg bei der Arbeit verändern?

Unsere Persönlichkeitsmerkmale beeinflussen zahlreiche Bereiche unseres Lebens: sie wirken auf unsere Gesundheit, auf unser Glück und auf unsere Leistung – deshalb lohnt es sich, in die Entwicklung unserer Persönlichkeit zu investieren.

Der allgemeine interactive Fähigkeitstest von SHL (Interactive G+)

Der allgemeine interactive Fähigkeitstest von SHL untersucht das kritische Denken und die Problemlösungsfähigkeit der Kandidaten effektiv. Die sind bei solchen Positionen besonders nützlich, wo komplexes Denken nötig ist.

Talent assessment with SHL’s tools

The last few years, our lives have changed in many aspects, including our shopping customs. Organizations quickly realized that they needed to adapt to the customer needs as soon as possible.

Should we change our personalities in order to succeed in the workplace?

Our personality traits influence several fields of our life: health, happiness and productivity. Therefore, it is beneficial to put effort in developing our personality.

SHL’s General Interactive Ability Test (Interactive G+)

SHL’s General Interactive Ability Test measures the candidate’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These measurements are particularly useful in positions that require complex thinking.