Our January training: Selection and development with tests | SHL Hungary

Our January training: Selection and development with tests

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The pandemic has rummaged our life, work and trainings, too. SHL is considerate with workers’ and clients’ health and safety, that is why we are starting our training online in January. The online form is beneficial for our safety, and it has other advantages, too. The material is divided into modules, therefore everyone can complete the tasks in their own time, you don’t have to take time off work. The lack of transport is also a benefit, we save time by not having to travel. It also allows us to have individual consultations, which is an opportunity to discuss questions and thoughts.

Our training explores the topic of selection and development with tests and questionnaires. Participants learn our techniques through own experience. You will learn how to

  • use our personality, competence and motivation questionnaires
  • use our ability tests
  • analyse and evaluate test results
  • give competency-based, consistent evaluation.

We recommend this course to HR professionals who are looking to solve selection and development-related tasks individually and plan to use SHL tools on the long run.

We start the course by getting to know the history of testing, the nature vs. nurture question, and different types of psychological tests. After that, we move on to the reasons of using tests in selection and training, how to avoid errors in selection, and what is reliability and validity. Participants acquire knowledge about ability tests (verbal and numerical reasoning test, technical test, and clerical test) and personality questionnaires from the Workplace Behavior Test Package. They will also get acquainted with questionnaires that measure motivation, preferences, and work style.

Participants administer and evaluate tests, give feedback on the results, but this material is not typically theoretical. Personal experience is provided by the completion of test, and the evalution and interpretation if their results, with our help. SHL’s computer generated expert system is key in evaluating results of personality questionnaires. Giving feedback is crucial, and participants will practice this individually during the course.

Theoretical knowledge is also very important. The course also focuses on discussing the emerging questions and topics. AC/DC exercises and SHL’s Job Analysis System (a different course will teach you how to use these) are also presented. You will also get to know tools developed outside SHL: the Raven Progressive Matrices, and the Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale. Succeeding in the course means receiving an international certificate that will qualify you for the worldwide use of SHL tests.

Our Occupational Personality Questionnaire measures competences like influence, sociability, energy and drive. Based on the results, we can determine what the candidate’s strengths are; what are the territories that he is average at; and what his weaknesses consist of. For example, the results can show that his strengths are planning teamwork, keeping up efficiency, supporting the team to evaluate ideas and conceptions necessary for success, and his weaknesses are building relationships in- and outside the group, creating a positive atmosphere and team spirit. Based on this, and other competencies we can say that the candidate is likely to pay more attention to completing the task than to building connections with teammates.

Our training starts on the 11th of January, registration is available on our website. Our website offers further information of our techniques, ability tests, personality questionnaires, and you can also find sample reports to these tests.

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