Our specialty when it comes to trainings on stress management is that all participants receive a personal report about their personal stressors (factors that will affect most their levels of stress).
Since János Selye's books on stress, we all know that in this accelerated world, the modern people are being affected by more and more information and tasks, and the human organism is not prepared for this. Of course we do need some amount of tension or challenging tasks for a "good life", for "good work" (that's what Selye calls "good stress"). But exploiting our own resources ("distress") is physically and emotionally harmful.
Everyone has to learn how to protect himself/herself from too much stress: by developing a distress-free work environment, by efficient time management, relaxing exercises.
Eliminating distress makes life more enjoyable, keeps illness away, and facilitates higher efficiency on short and long term.
Training starts with a minimum of 4 participants, according to the agreed time and place.
Our registration number in the Adult Education Data Service System is B/2020/006665.
We act in accordance with the Adult Education Act in all respects.
Sandor Klein

He obtained his psychology-mathematics teacher degree from ELTE in 1966.
Between 1966 and 1982 he was teaching work psychology and educational psychology in Budapest University of Technology. (At this period he also worked for 2 years in Zoltán Dienes's Psychomathematics Research Centre in Canada.)
Between 1982 and 1988 he headed the Department of Psychology in Juhász Gyula College of Education. (During this, he has completed a 3-year person-centred psychology course in France. He has invited Carl Rogers - the most significant humanistic psychologist - and his colleagues to facilitate groups in Hungary.)
Since 1988, he has been teaching leadership- and organisational psychology in Pécs Science University for HR students, right now as professor emeritus. During this, he has been a lecturer in Debrecen and Cluj universities, in the Department of Psychology. In 1992, he has obtained the title Doctor of Psychology. He has written 12 books and approx. 200 articles. Together with Dávid Klein, he is the editor of SHL books series.
He has founded SHL Hungary in 1992 with Julianna Kiss to promote modern selection tools. He is currently one of the owners and a senior consultant.