Using ability tests for selection purposes online | SHL Hungary
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Using ability tests for selection purposes online

(Occupational Testing; OT course)
Language of lecture: 
The training is also available in 
Hungarian languages.

Ability tests are the simplest, least labor-intensive, cheapest, and yet effective means of selecting workers.

SHL Hungary Kft. has developed a rich repository of paper/pencil, manipulation, and online tests over the past half century. These tests are widely used in all parts of the world, including Hungary, to select manual workers, salespeople, graduates and managers.

In the course of SHL Hungary Kft. held online or in person, the participants learn the basics of testting, the selection of appropriate tests, the organization of the testing process, the interpretation of results, the feedback of results, the management of the online platform and the decision-making based on the results to support the selection processes.

Participants will receive an international certificate of successful completion of the course.

The course serves as a good basis for further courses of SHL Hungary Kft. (For example: Personality and motivation questionnaires in the selection, 360-degree Evaluation Methodology, Assessment/Development Centre (AC/DC)).

Training starts with a minimum of 4 participants, according to the agreed time and place.

Our registration number in the Adult Education Data Service System is B/2020/006665.
We act in accordance with the Adult Education Act in all respects.


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