Competency questionnaires | SHL Hungary

Competency questionnaires

The theoretical background of competency questionnaires is somewhat different than that of the personality questionnaires. They are always task-specific: managers have different questionnaires compared to customer service employees. Some companies may have their own competency profile, and in that case SHL will build the appropriate questionnaire. The Inventory of Managerial Competencies (IMC) and Customer Care Competency Inventory (CCCI) combine the benefits of normative and ipsative testing, and both can be used for360-degree feedback. 

Universal Competency Framework (UCF)

Style of filling out: 
Who do you want to test?: 

It is based on the UCF20 competency model. It provides a holistic 360-degree view of an employee by gathering feedback from the employee’s manager, peers, direct reports, and/or other raters. By offering a wide range of perspectives, 360 feedback gives employees a more thorough understanding of not only their strengths, weaknesses, and development opportunities, but also their impact on others.

Customer Contact Competency Inventory (CCCI) for Sales Representatives and Customer Services Representatives

The CCCI is a questionnaire, which permits the individual, and/or their manager and other team members, to assess their performance objectively against 16 competencies for 360 degree profiling. The CCCI development profile is specifically designed to help structure a development discussion with the individual.

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