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Seria de Teste de Technologia Informaţiei (ITTS) pentru dezvoltatori software

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Aceste teste măsoară capacităţile necesare pentru munca în IT cu exerciţii care aparţin în mod evident de domeniul IT, rezolvarea lor însă nu presupune cunoştinţe specifice domeniului. 

Arbeitsfähigkeit: Handfertigkeit (WSS Manual Dexterity) Testpaket für Handarbeiter

Diese Testserie besteht aus zwei Tests, die die Handfertigkeit untersucht. Der Kandidat muss aus verschiedenen Bestandteile bestehende Konstruktion innerhalb der angegebenen Zeit zusammenbauen. In diesem Sinne sind sie Arbeitssimulation-Übungen.

Work Skills Series Manual Dexterity (WSSD) for Manual Workers and Semi-skilled Staff

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The two tests of the series assess manual dexterity. Candidates have to assemble structures consisting of various component parts under time limit. Hence these tests can be interpreted as straightforward job simulations.

Customer Contact Aptitude Series (CCAS) for Sales Representatives and Customer Services Representatives

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Tests of the Customer Contact Aptitude Series measure the core reasoning abilities related to jobs within sales and customer service. These tests can be optimally combined with the Customer Contact Style Questionnaire (CCSQ) which measures the relevant personality dimensions.

Information Technology Test Series (ITTS) for Programmers, System Operators and Software Developers

The Information Technology Test Series is appropriate for the selection, development and promotion of staff working in information technology. The tests measure specific skills and abilities necessary for various IT-tasks.
