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Motivationsfragebogen (MQ)

Wir empfehlen den Motivationsfragebogen, um Leiter und Experten zu prüfen. Die Testperson muss über einige Behauptungen entscheiden, wie stark motivierend sie für ihre Arbeit sind. Der Motivationsfragebogen ist auch verwendbar allein, aber er ist nützliche Ergänzung zu den Persönlichkeitsfragebogen von SHL. Da die Motivation wegen der Zeit und den Umständen große Fluktuation zeigen kann, wird es empfohlen, den Fragebogen mehrfach einzusetzen.

"Kundendienst" Persönlichkeitsfragebogen (CCSQ) für Vertriebsmitarbeiter

Die Kandidaten müssen über die Behauptungen in Verbindung mit dem Kundendienst und Vertrieb entscheiden, ob und wie stark sie für sie bezeichnend sind. Es wird auf einer 5-Punkte-Skala gezeichnet (von "Ich stimme überhaupt nicht zu." bis "Ich stimme völlig zu."). In erster Linie wird der Test für Entwicklungszwecke empfohlen.

OPQ 32 + MQ Motivation for Sales Representatives

With the joint use of the two questionnaires, the competencies and the motivational factors of sales representatives can be determined. It can be also determined, in which sequence of the sales cyle is the candidate.

Customer Contact Competency Inventory (CCCI) for Sales Representatives and Customer Services Representatives

The CCCI is a questionnaire, which permits the individual, and/or their manager and other team members, to assess their performance objectively against 16 competencies for 360 degree profiling. The CCCI development profile is specifically designed to help structure a development discussion with the individual.

Motivation Questionnaire (MQ)

The Motivation Questionnaire is recommended for the assessment of managers and professionals. The candidate has to indicate how much various factors motivate them in their work. It can be used on its own and as a companion to SHL personality questionnaires. Since motivation fluctuates as a function of time and changing circumstances, it is recommended that the candidates be retested quite often.

Customer Contact Styles Questionnaire (CCSQ 7.2) for Sales Representatives and Customer Services Representatives

This version is a combination of the normative and ipsative approach: the respondent chooses between four statements to decide which describes them the most and the least and indicates at the same time on a scale of five how much he/she agrees with the individual statements.

Mill Hill Vocabulary Scales Test

The test is a companion to the Raven’s Matrices which measure nonverbal intelligence. It contains words that an intelligent person would probably “know” yet would not be necessarily aware of their meaning. The candidate has to choose the synonym of the words from a list of alternatives.

Customer Contact Aptitude Series (CCAS) for Sales Representatives and Customer Services Representatives

Kitöltés módja: 

Tests of the Customer Contact Aptitude Series measure the core reasoning abilities related to jobs within sales and customer service. These tests can be optimally combined with the Customer Contact Style Questionnaire (CCSQ) which measures the relevant personality dimensions.

Numerical Evaluation Test (NCC4)

This test measures the ability to make inferences and deductions from numerical data laid out in the form of tables or graphs. The test is appropriate for any job involving analysis or decision-making based on numerical facts, but the nature of the data presented makes the test particularly relevant for sales and customer service work. Calculators are allowed. (NCC4 is longer and more demanding than NCC2.)
