Szakértő/Frissdiplomás | SHL Hungary | Page 15


Numerical Estimation Test (NTS2)

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Who do you want to test?: 

Measures the ability to estimate quickly the answers to numerical calculations. Knowledge of fractions and percentages is required as well as that of basic arithmetic. The task is to select the best estimate from a number of options. Calculators are not allowed in this test.

Fault Finding Test (FTS4)

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Who do you want to test?: 

Assesses the ability to identify faults in logical systems. The test requires the candidate to locate what element in an arrangement of colour coded symbols is not functioning. No specialist knowledge, but visual and reasoning ability are required. The test is appropriate in many applications including operating machinery, when quick fault finding is necessary.

Spatial Checking Test (STS5)

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Who do you want to test?: 

Measures the ability to locate differences between complex designs rotated and reversed in two or three dimensions. This ability is likely to feature in the checking and design of electronic systems, engineering components and in some applications of computer-aided design (e.g. CAD).

Information Technology Test Series (ITTS) for Programmers, System Operators and Software Developers

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The Information Technology Test Series is appropriate for the selection, development and promotion of staff working in information technology. The tests measure specific skills and abilities necessary for various IT-tasks.

Syntax Checking Test (CIT4)

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Similarly to CIT3, this test also measures speed and accuracy in the checking of strings of letters and numbers, but in this case the candidate has to decide whether a line from a computer programme complies with a set of rules. A highly relevant test for any jobs that include any form of coding, programming or software checking.

Spatial Reasoning Test (SIT7)

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Measures a candidate’s ability to visualize spatial relationships. Specifically, it measures the ability to visualize and manipulate shapes in three dimensions given a twodimensional drawing. The test discriminates at a high level and measures spatial ability relevant for engineers, designers, draughts people and IT staff working with graphics.

Number Series Test (NIT2)

Style of filling out: 
Type of test: 

Measures high level numerical reasoning skills rather than skill in computational work. In particular, it assesses the ability to recognise the relationships between numbers, therefore the test is appropriate for any IT job where the recognition of numerical relationships or sequences is important. Calculators are not allowed.
