Ability tests | SHL Hungary | Page 3

Ability tests

Numerical Computation Test (NT2.1)

Style of filling out: 
Type of test: 

Measures basic numeracy, with an emphasis on understanding numerical relationships and operations as well as the ability to perform basic calculations. The proficient application of the four basic rules of arithmetic is essential. The use of calculators is not allowed.

Mechanical Comprehension Test (MT4.1)

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Measures the understanding of basic mechanical principles and their applications to a number of devices, including pulleys, gears and levers. A core skill relevant in many technical jobs. The problems are presented to the candidates as three-dimensional drawings, hence the test measures knowledge of physics to a lesser degree than similar tests.

Mechanical Comprehension Test (MT4.2)

Style of filling out: 
Type of test: 

Measures the understanding of basic mechanical principles and their applications to a number of devices, including pulleys, gears and levers. A core skill relevant in many technical jobs. The problems are presented to the candidates as three-dimensional drawings, hence the test measures knowledge of physics to a lesser degree than similar tests.

This test is another parallel version of the Mechanical Comprehension Test (MT4.1) of equal difficulty.

Numercial Reasoning Test (NT6.1)

Style of filling out: 
Type of test: 

Measures simple reasoning skills with numbers, with an emphasis on understanding, reasoning and recognising short-cuts to reach solutions. Since problems are expressed within the context of technical work, the test appropriately measures the numerical skills of trained staff. Calculators are allowed.

Fault Diagnosis Test (FT7.1)

Style of filling out: 
Type of test: 

Assesses the ability to identify faults in logical systems. No specialised knowledge is required. The test requires an individual to locate which element in an arrangement of coded symbols is not working as specified. FT7.1. is recommended for both technicians and engineers.

Basic Checking Test (CP7.1)

Style of filling out: 
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Who do you want to test?: 

Measure speed and accuracy of checking at a basic level: for each item, a string of numbers (or letters) is presented and exactly the same string must be chosen from a number of alternatives. Principally for use with clerical staff whose job includes routine checking.


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