From leader to vicious villain - a story of small inattentions | SHL Hungary

From leader to vicious villain - a story of small inattentions


As we have already explained in a previous article, a sense of security is one of the basic human needs - probably the most important in addition to physical needs - and this also applies to workplaces. Nothing can ruin the workplace atmosphere more than uncertainty and fear from the unknown. Often employees are just as accountable for these negative feelings as anybody else - even if they are doing it subconsciously.

The cause of insecurity at workplaces - just as in other areas of life - is mostly lack of information. If we do not have enough information about a specific question, then we will not be able to answer the question which generates tension logically and along the lines of reason.

And if reason does not work, emotions take control.

Projection is when one projects his/her own negative feelings, fears, anger and tensions to others.

"My boss said we were going to get back to the question of overtime later. And we didn’t even have a proper good-bye!” Maybe it was just a forgotten matter for the leader, as it was not full priority at the moment, but it is an excruciating problem for subordinates: are they going to get paid for overtime? Uncertainty in this case will lead to tension, anger and fear at the same time. The above-mentioned line of thought is likely to continue the following way: Is s/he running away from me? Or is s/he mad at me? Maybe it was a mistake asking about it? Maybe s/he doesn’t want to pay me? I’m sure s/he doesn’t want to pay me!"

In such cases, most people share similar thoughts. The projection machine starts to buzz in the background till the problem is solved and until then paints the future in poor light. The leader becomes an evil villain and the psychological phenomenon of splitting may arise. This perspective usually is present in children, and leads to only seeing the good or the bad in the other person and prevents us to see the situation in a more complex way.

Regardless of our position, anyone can experience negative feelings towards others, but the most extreme feelings are generally felt by subordinates towards their managers as their subordinate position makes their situation harder.

As a leader, it's important to notice when we are projecting. It is important to separate the real facts from the fictions, and it is important to articulate our problems to the other person. However, we do not expect this from most of our employees, so it is very important to keep in mind that unclear issues may cause much greater tension in them.

Insecurity can undermine people's sense of security, one of their basic needs. It is not certain that the leader can watch as many people as possible. It is therefore important to build an atmosphere in which problems, questions and requests can be discussed. An atmosphere in which subordinates can calmly articulate their problems.

It is important for both parties to be aware of the simple fact that we are all human, we all have strengths and forgivable weaknesses. True, managers' responsibilities are always greater than those of a subordinate.

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