5 Inexpensive Tip to Increase Workplace Efficiency | SHL Hungary

5 Inexpensive Tip to Increase Workplace Efficiency


Every business wants its employees to give their best at the workplace. It is well known, that good work requires good conditions, but sometimes we can also increase work efficiency with small things, so small that we may not even think about.

Obviously, we feel much better in a bright, spacious, clean environment and we can work much better that way than in a dark, crowded, dirty, and unventilated room. However, it is less clear, that fine-tuning of the work environment can greatly increase the motivation to work. Let's look at 5 tips that does not cost anything to the company financially, but they can bring about immediate positive change.

  1. It is well known that proper lighting is essential for working. For office workers, it may be desirable to have a table lamp next to the light of neon tubes. The lamp light makes the desk more cosy and personal, while providing the employee with the ability to control the lighting.
  2. Proper temperature is rarely a problem, however, keeping the air conditioners regularly maintained and cleaned contributes to a long-lasting, top-quality air at the workplace.
  3. Noise ideally is only a minor disruption to work, but in the long run it can also lead to health damage. Not only too-loud noises, but even headache-causing infrasounds that are inexhaustible for the human ear, but can be filtered from malfunctioning machines pose a threat. These harms are important to be minimized.
  4. In addition to meeting basic needs, the efficiency of work can also be increased by making the environment friendlier. Some plants, a couple of pictures facilitating positive feelings, or even nice or motivating wallpapers on the computerscreen are both tiny but useful steps to create an ideal workplace atmosphere.
  5. We are not the same, our needs are different too. For an ideal working environment, most of the help can be provided by the workers themselves. It is worth listening to their requests, paying attention to their ideas.

It is even better if we periodically carry out a comprehensive survey, questionnaires and personality tests to map their demands and needs.

Such tests in the long run provide a reliable view of the employees' expectations and make a good basis for fine-tuning the working environment. 

SHL Training Academy offers training opportunities as well, where the applicants can learn everything from using our licenced tests, personality, competence and motivation questionnaires to gaining an insight to how we conduct our tests to provide the best tools for selecting the best employees for the position.

For details, please visit our website's Selection and development with tests page!

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