Fizikai dolgozó | SHL Hungary | Page 6

Fizikai dolgozó

Work Styles Questionnaire (WSQ)

Style of filling out: 
Who do you want to test?: 

The candidate has to indicate their responses on a scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree how much 162 individual statements are like them. The test provides a profile based on 17 personality traits. It is basically a version of the OPQ developed specifically for manufacturing and production jobs.

Work Skills Series Manual Dexterity (WSSD) for Manual Workers and Semi-skilled Staff

Style of filling out: 
Type of test: 
Who do you want to test?: 

The two tests of the series assess manual dexterity. Candidates have to assemble structures consisting of various component parts under time limit. Hence these tests can be interpreted as straightforward job simulations.


Style of filling out: 
Who do you want to test?: 

Measures manual dexterity required in the assembly of mechanical objects. The candidate is presented with a pre-assembled structure, consisting of six steel plates joined together by an assortment of nuts, bolts, washers and spacers. Using this as a model, the task is to build an identical assembly using the set of plates and fixings provided. No other tools are necessary. Scoring is achieved by awarding marks for the correct selection and assembly of plates with account also being taken of the number of fittings correctly assembled.
