Working with Numbers (NWP2)
Measures the ability to apply the basic rules of arithmetic to practical and work-related situations. This test is relevant to any job in industry or manufacturing where the appropriate application of basic arithmetic skills is important.
Customer Contact Aptitude Series (CCAS) for Sales Representatives and Customer Services Representatives
Tests of the Customer Contact Aptitude Series measure the core reasoning abilities related to jobs within sales and customer service. These tests can be optimally combined with the Customer Contact Style Questionnaire (CCSQ) which measures the relevant personality dimensions.
Numerical Evaluation Test (NCC4)
This test measures the ability to make inferences and deductions from numerical data laid out in the form of tables or graphs. The test is appropriate for any job involving analysis or decision-making based on numerical facts, but the nature of the data presented makes the test particularly relevant for sales and customer service work. Calculators are allowed. (NCC4 is longer and more demanding than NCC2.)
Numerical Interpretation Test (NCC2)
Measures the ability to understand and use numerical data presented in tables and graphs. The data and the questions have been designed to simulate the kind of numerical information which might feature in sales and customer service jobs. Calculators are permitted, since the emphasis is on reasoning with data rather than computation and arithmetic.
Verbal Evaluation (VCC3)
Measures the ability to understand and evaluate the logic of various written passages. More demanding than VCC1, it includes a variety of topics relevant to positions within sales and customer service.
Verbal Interpretation (VCC1)
The candidate has to read texts, the content of which is based on written material relevant for customer service jobs, and decide whether certain statements are true, false, or whether there is insufficient information in the passage to say. Measures the ability to understand straightforward written texts and to highlight the most important information in order to arrive at reasoned conclusions.
Personnel Test Battery (PTB) for Administrative and Clerical Staff
This popular test battery is designed for selection in clerical jobs. The tests are suitable for people with any educational background.
Verbal Comprehension (VP5.1)
Measures the ability to interpret and understand written information.
Text Checking (CP9.1)
Assesses speed and accuracy in proof-reading. The test requires detailed proof-reading from one set of text to another, with candidates required to specify the exact nature of errors identified.
Classification (CP4.1)
Appropriate for jobs involving filing and information handling. Candidates are asked to classify information according to a given rule system and to record their actions in a coded form.
Numerical Computation (NP2.1)
Measures basic number skills. The emphasis is on straightforward calculation and the understanding or arithmetical operations.
Numerical Reasoning (NP6.1)
Assesses basic reasoning skill with numbers. Questions may involve decimals, fractions and graphs. Candidates need to use a calculator for NP6.2 but not for NP6.1.
Verbal Usage (VP1.1)
Measures vocabulary, spelling and the grammatical skills essential in the drafting and processing of basic work correspondence.
Basic Checking Test (CP7.1)
Measure speed and accuracy of checking at a basic level: for each item, a string of numbers (or letters) is presented and exactly the same string must be chosen from a number of alternatives. Principally for use with clerical staff whose job includes routine checking.
Clerical Checking (CP3.1)
Designed to assess speed and accuracy in checking detailed information.
Technical Test Battery (TTB) for Skilled Workers, Operators and Foremen
Tests of this battery measure various abilities, therefore it is easy to find a relevant test for any kind of job.
Spatial Recognition Test (ST8.1)
Measures the ability to recognise shapes in two dimensions. The choices are often rotated relative to the given pattern, but ever mirrored. The ability measured by the test is essential in numerous jobs including mechanical jobs and design.
Numercial Reasoning Test (NT6.1)
Measures simple reasoning skills with numbers, with an emphasis on understanding, reasoning and recognising short-cuts to reach solutions. Since problems are expressed within the context of technical work, the test appropriately measures the numerical skills of trained staff. Calculators are allowed.
Numerical Computation Test (NT2.1)
Measures basic numeracy, with an emphasis on understanding numerical relationships and operations as well as the ability to perform basic calculations. The proficient application of the four basic rules of arithmetic is essential. The use of calculators is not allowed.
Technical Understanding (VT5.1)
Measures the ability to understand written passages containing the type of material likely to be found in a typical technical setting, such as machine manuals and operating instructions. Relevant up to good GCSE level.