Our two-day long, practical training allows you to master the techniques of effective recruitment and development through personal experience.
You will learn how to:
- Use our personality, competence and motivation questionnaires
- Use our psychological and ability tests
- Analyse and evaluate test results
- Give competency-based, consistent evaluation
SHL Hungary uniquely provides a textbook related to the subject of the training, so it does not have to be purchased separately. The hundreds of pages of serious and internationally recognized auxiliary material will always be at your disposal after our professional training.
Training starts with a minimum of 4 participants, according to the agreed time and place.
Our registration number in the Adult Education Data Service System is B/2020/006665.
We act in accordance with the Adult Education Act in all respects.
We recommend this course to HR professionals who intend to solve selection and development-related tasks individually within their company, and plan to use SHL tools as an organic part of the organisation’s HR system on a long run.
The curriculum is highly multifaceted. In the introduction, we talk about the history of testing, the nature vs. nurture question, and different types of psychological tests (specifically those used in the workplace). We continue with why we use tests in selection and training, how to avoid errors in selection, and what is reliability and validity. (These statistical notions help in understanding certain connections.) Participants will get acquainted to ability tests (verbal and numerical reasoning test, technical test, and clerical test) and personality questionnaires from the Workplace Behaviour Test Package. Furthermore, they will have the opportunity to get to know questionnaires measuring motivation, preferences, and workstyle.
Administering and evaluating tests, and giving feedback on the results, is something one has to learn, but it is not a typical theoretical learning material. In order to have personal experience about them, every participant will complete tests, and then they will evaluate and interpret their own results, with our help of course. We will present SHL’s computer generated expert system that offers valuable assistance for the user in evaluating the results of personality questionnaires. Participants will practice individually one of the most important parts of the process, i.e. giving feedback.
Naturally, we count on active cooperation of the participants also while picking up theoretical knowledge. And there will be discussions about all topics and even debate over questions of biggest interest. We will show AC/DC exercises (there is a different course where you can learn how to use these) and SHL’s Job Analysis System (there is also a different course about this). And finally there will be an opportunity to learn about tools developed outside of SHL: the Raven Progressive Matrices, and its verbal counterpart, the Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale. Participants, who successfully complete the course, will be awarded with an international certificate that will qualify them for the worldwide use of SHL tests.
Julianna Kiss

She graduated first as a mathematics-geography teacher in Szeged. Then, she obtained a degree in psychology from Eötvös Loránd Science University. Her professional attitude can be characterised by strong practice-orientation. She is a keen lecturer and supervisor of the training courses.
She is one of SHL Hungary’s founders. She has rich experience in designing and delivering Hungarian and international selection projects. She took part in assembling the professional materials for the Hungarian SHL training courses.
She has been SHL Hungary's director since 1997. She plays a critical role in spreading SHL methodology in Eastern Europe.
She is an SHL UK accredited trainer.
Sandor Klein

He obtained his psychology-mathematics teacher degree from ELTE in 1966.
Between 1966 and 1982 he was teaching work psychology and educational psychology in Budapest University of Technology. (At this period he also worked for 2 years in Zoltán Dienes's Psychomathematics Research Centre in Canada.)
Between 1982 and 1988 he headed the Department of Psychology in Juhász Gyula College of Education. (During this, he has completed a 3-year person-centred psychology course in France. He has invited Carl Rogers - the most significant humanistic psychologist - and his colleagues to facilitate groups in Hungary.)
Since 1988, he has been teaching leadership- and organisational psychology in Pécs Science University for HR students, right now as professor emeritus. During this, he has been a lecturer in Debrecen and Cluj universities, in the Department of Psychology. In 1992, he has obtained the title Doctor of Psychology. He has written 12 books and approx. 200 articles. Together with Dávid Klein, he is the editor of SHL books series.
He has founded SHL Hungary in 1992 with Julianna Kiss to promote modern selection tools. He is currently one of the owners and a senior consultant.