
Adjusting to the circumstances affected by the pandemic, SHL Hungary Ltd. is offering online development methods in the form of group and individual coaching.
In our program, we combine measurement and development ideally. We map out the workers’ strengths, development areas and focus the development on the areas that show the most organizational and individual profit.
The program usually consists of 5-10 sessions, each entailing 4 hours of work. During these occasions we are focusing on behavior in the workplace. We create each participants’ competency profile with a personal consultations, internationally approved questionnaires and tests. After this, we develop an individual development plan together and we select the competencies that need development. After every consultation, we provide notes of the results and the goals.
Executive coaching proved to be especially effective in organizational changes, appointing new executives, assessing whether the potential new incumbent fits into the organisational culture, individual development and improving self-awareness. Furthermore, group coaching is suitable for group development and synchronizing individual and group development.
With the help of SHL’s ability and personality questionnaires and our seasoned consultants, leaders can make decisions based on objective data. This way, leaders can select employees that are suitable for the position. SHL’s methods ensure that these workers become excellent employees.