Reinventing organizational culture
03. 18. 2022.
Leaders, managers and employees actively participate in creating and maintaining organizational culture by interactions, information passing, decision-making – that is why it is challenging to change it proactively.
Women in leadership roles
03. 11. 2022.
In today’s uncertain, complex conditions it is essential for organizations to select leaders who have the abilities and experience to face new challenges.
Rethinking HR leadership
02. 04. 2022.
A jó HR-vezető viselkedését az állandóan változó körülményekhez igazítja. A pandémia hatására megváltoztak a vezetőkkel kapcsolatos elvárások és ez sok tekintetben új típus vezetői hozzáállást igényel.
Finding the great manager
01. 28. 2022.
Managers play an essential and impactful role in an organization’s life. Today’s work environment makes their position even more crucial, as they are the ones who organize remote workers as well as in-office employees, they also lead the team during crisis, provide stability, and maintain trust and efficiency in the organization.
What can leaders learn from „Squid Game"? Part 2
01. 21. 2022.
Squid Game became one of the most popular series of 2021 – our blogpost focuses on the lessons that leaders can learn from Netflix’s series.
What can leaders learn from „Squid Game"?
01. 14. 2022.
Squid Game became one of the most popular series of 2021 – our blogpost focuses on the lessons that leaders can learn from Netflix’s series.
Creating the structured interview using the SHL Set of Interview Questions
01. 12. 2022.
The structured interview is a key part of recruitment and selection. It helps us to know a lot about the candidate, and the candidate can also get to know the position and our organization.
The importance of empathetic leadership
11. 16. 2021.
Empathetic leadership is key in a successful organization’s life. But why is there a growing need for it and how can we apply it in our own workplaces?