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Papír és ceruza

Verbal Application Test (VMT1)

Art der Ausfüllung: 
Art des Tests: 
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This test measures the ability to understand the meaning of words, logic within sentences and the use of grammar. Items consist of sentences with two or three words omitted. The candidate’s task is to choose the combination of words which best completes the sentence. The test also measures the understanding of complicated written text.

Numerical Analysis Test (NMT4)

Art der Ausfüllung: 
Art des Tests: 
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The test measures the ability to make correct inferences and decisions from business-related numerical data presented in the form of graphs, charts and tables of figures. Combining data from two or three graphs, charts or tables is typically required to solve each question. The test assesses the ability to interpret and use complex numerical information presented in graphs and charts. Calculators are allowed.

Verbal Analysis Test (VMT3)

Art der Ausfüllung: 
Art des Tests: 
Wen untersuchen Sie?: 

The Verbal Analysis test consists of a series of verbal passages, and assesses verbal analytic ability. In order to answer the questions one has to be able to understand and interpret high level written information such as complex written reports, policy documents, and complicated texts in general.

Standard Progressive Matrices Plus (SPM Plus) for Secondary School Students and Adults with Secondary School Degree

Art der Ausfüllung: 
Zu welchem Zweck?: 

A test with the same structure as SPM but with more difficult items.

Standard Progressive Matrices, Parallel Version (SPM par.) for 7-14 Year Old Children and Adults with Elementary School Degree

Art der Ausfüllung: 
Zu welchem Zweck?: 

New test, equally difficult as the SPM.

Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) for 7-14 Year Old Children and Adults with Elementary School Degree

Art der Ausfüllung: 
Zu welchem Zweck?: 

There are five sets of increasing difficulty, with 12 items in each. The candidate has to choose the correct answer from eight alternatives.

Coloured Progressive Matrices, Parallel Version (CPM Par.) for 3-6 Year Old Children and Intellectually Disabled Adults

Art der Ausfüllung: 
Zu welchem Zweck?: 

New test, equally difficult as the CPM.

Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM) for 3-6 Year Old Children and Intellectually Disabled Adults

Art der Ausfüllung: 
Zu welchem Zweck?: 

There are three sets of 12 items, arranged in increasing difficulty. The colourful design of the task helps to maintain the interest of the testees.
