Inventory of Management Competencies (IMC) for Managers and Graduates
This inventory can be used both to predict managerial achievement and to identify developmental needs.
Motivation Questionnaire (MQ)
The Motivation Questionnaire is recommended for the assessment of managers and professionals. The candidate has to indicate how much various factors motivate them in their work. It can be used on its own and as a companion to SHL personality questionnaires. Since motivation fluctuates as a function of time and changing circumstances, it is recommended that the candidates be retested quite often.
Occupational Personality Questionnaire, Normative Version (OPQ32n) for Managers, Experts and Graduates
In the normative format of OPQ32 individuals indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree with a series of statements on a scale of five, ranging from “completely agree” to “ I do not agree at all”. Its uncomplicated language and straightforward structure make the test accessible for everyone, however, due to its normative nature, we recommend it primarily for training and development purposes.
Occupational Personality Questionnaire, Ipsative Version (OPQ32i) for Managers, Experts and Graduates
In this version of the test the candidate has to make “forced choices”, that is, they have to indicate which in a block of four statements is most and least like them. The ipsative method ensures that the candidates cannot bias the result of the assessment. The test cannot be hand scored.
Mill Hill Vocabulary Scales Test
The test is a companion to the Raven’s Matrices which measure nonverbal intelligence. It contains words that an intelligent person would probably “know” yet would not be necessarily aware of their meaning. The candidate has to choose the synonym of the words from a list of alternatives.
Numercial Reasoning Test (NT6.1)
Measures simple reasoning skills with numbers, with an emphasis on understanding, reasoning and recognising short-cuts to reach solutions. Since problems are expressed within the context of technical work, the test appropriately measures the numerical skills of trained staff. Calculators are allowed.
Technical Understanding (VT5.1)
Measures the ability to understand written passages containing the type of material likely to be found in a typical technical setting, such as machine manuals and operating instructions. Relevant up to good GCSE level.
Fault Diagnosis Test (FT7.1)
Assesses the ability to identify faults in logical systems. No specialised knowledge is required. The test requires an individual to locate which element in an arrangement of coded symbols is not working as specified. FT7.1. is recommended for both technicians and engineers.
Visual Estimation (ET3.1)
Measures spatial perception and the ability to make accurate visual comparisons. It is particularly suitable for craft and operator level jobs involving basic design and assembly work.
Applied Technology Series (ATS) for Engineers and Technical Staff
Tests of this battery measure abilities necessary for engineers and technicians.