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Numerical Analysis Test (NMT4)

Art der Ausfüllung: 
Art des Tests: 
Wen untersuchen Sie?: 

The test measures the ability to make correct inferences and decisions from business-related numerical data presented in the form of graphs, charts and tables of figures. Combining data from two or three graphs, charts or tables is typically required to solve each question. The test assesses the ability to interpret and use complex numerical information presented in graphs and charts. Calculators are allowed.

Verbal Analysis Test (VMT3)

Art der Ausfüllung: 
Art des Tests: 
Wen untersuchen Sie?: 

The Verbal Analysis test consists of a series of verbal passages, and assesses verbal analytic ability. In order to answer the questions one has to be able to understand and interpret high level written information such as complex written reports, policy documents, and complicated texts in general.

Verbal Test (Managerial) for Managers, Sales representatives, Clerical and Administrative Staff

This kind of test measures, how precise and correct the candidate is in concluding from texts. The given paragraphs are from the area of managerial work.

Numerical Test (Supervisory) for Junior Managers, Sales Representatives and Administrative Staff

This kind of test measures, how precise and correct the candidate is in concluding from numerical data. The given numerical data is from the area of managerial work.

Motivation Questionnaire (MQ)

The Motivation Questionnaire is recommended for the assessment of managers and professionals. The candidate has to indicate how much various factors motivate them in their work. It can be used on its own and as a companion to SHL personality questionnaires. Since motivation fluctuates as a function of time and changing circumstances, it is recommended that the candidates be retested quite often.

Comportamentul la locul de muncă (OPQ 32) Chestionar de personalitate pentru lideri

Art der Ausfüllung: 
Wen untersuchen Sie?: 

Metoda testului este metoda "alagerii forțate": candidatul trebuie să aleagă dintre patru afirmații care este cel mai tipic și cel mai puțin caracteristic în cazul lui. Cel mai important beneficiu al acestui format este că rezultatul este greu de manipulat. Se poate interpreta doar cu calculatorul. 

Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32) for Managers, Experts and Graduates

Art der Ausfüllung: 

In this version of the test the candidate has to make “forced choices”, that is, they have to indicate which in a block of three statements is most like them and then from the remaining two statements which are more characteristic of them. The ipsative method ensures that the candidates cannot bias the result of the assessment. The test cannot be hand scored.

Az alkotó gondolkodás tesztje (TPT1.1)

Art der Ausfüllung: 
Art des Tests: 

A legtöbb munkához nem elég a logikus gondolkodás: ötletekre, eredeti gondolatokra is szükség van. Sok esetben éppen a kreativitás különbözteti meg az igazán hatékony vezetőt, szakembert az átlagostól. Ez a változat elsősorban a frissen diplomázottaknak és az alsóbb szintű vezetőknek készült. (A közép- és felső szintű vezetők számára készült változat adaptálása folyamatban van.) Igen gyakran használatos Értékelő-Fejlesztő Központok részeként.
