Wie können wir in der Zeit der Pandemie resilient werden?
Obwohl wir schon den Begriff ’Post-Pandemie’ verwenden, ist in der Wirklichkeit die COVID-19 Pandemie noch immer nicht vorbei. Damit wir unsere Arbeit unter unberechenbaren Umständen weiterhin gut erledigen können, müssen wir erlernen, resilient und flexibel zu sein.
Developing adaptability and resilience during a global pandemic
Although we find ourselves using the phrase “post-pandemic”, the truth is, the COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet. In order to perform better amongst uncertain conditions, we have to learn to be resilient and adaptable.
The negative impacts of chronic stress and how to help
Studies have shown that more than half of illnesses are caused by stress. In our latest post, we have reviewed the phenomenon of stress, and determined some factors that contribute to chronic stress. In this post, we will go over the effects of stress, focusing on burnout.
Stress and anxiety in the workplace
Stress at work – a very present problem in 2021 in a world where everything is evolving, changing, with a global pandemic enhancing the intensity. The change of work environment and workload is a factor we cannot ignore when looking at our employee’s and our own well-being.