Advanced Managerial Tests (AMT) for Senior and Middle Managers
These tests measure the verbal and numerical skills necessary to interpret business data, reports, and statistics.
Inductive Reasoning Test for Software Developers, Programmers, System Operators, Engineers and Project Engineers
This kind of test measures the logical reasoning skills of the candidate with the help of graphs. As many researches have confirmed, this kind of test indicates the suitability of software developers well.
Verbal Test (Supervisory) for Sales Representatives, Customer Services Representatives and Administrative Staff
This kind of test measures, how precise and correct the candidate is in concluding from texts. The given paragraphs are from the area of customer service work.
Verbal Test (Managerial) for Managers, Sales representatives, Clerical and Administrative Staff
This kind of test measures, how precise and correct the candidate is in concluding from texts. The given paragraphs are from the area of managerial work.
Numerical Test (Supervisory) for Junior Managers, Sales Representatives and Administrative Staff
This kind of test measures, how precise and correct the candidate is in concluding from numerical data. The given numerical data is from the area of managerial work.
Numerical Test (Managerial) for Managers and Financial Experts
This kind of test measures, how precise and correct the candidate is in concluding from numerical data. The given numerical data is from the area of managerial work.
Standard Progressive Matrices Plus (SPM Plus) for Secondary School Students and Adults with Secondary School Degree
A test with the same structure as SPM but with more difficult items.
Standard Progressive Matrices, Parallel Version (SPM par.) for 7-14 Year Old Children and Adults with Elementary School Degree
New test, equally difficult as the SPM.
Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) for 7-14 Year Old Children and Adults with Elementary School Degree
There are five sets of increasing difficulty, with 12 items in each. The candidate has to choose the correct answer from eight alternatives.
Coloured Progressive Matrices, Parallel Version (CPM Par.) for 3-6 Year Old Children and Intellectually Disabled Adults
New test, equally difficult as the CPM.