Executive Scenarios is a unique test of Managerial Judgement - an individual’s ability to decide on effective ways of handling real life situations. It is specifically designed to assess judgement in Executives; a group who typically has significant work experience to draw on. It consists of hypothetical scenarios, each followed by several possible responses. Candidates rate the effectiveness of each response, using a 6-point scale, from highly undesirable to highly desirable. It can be used for recruitment, selection, training and development, performance management and coaching in a variety of functions and industries.
- Acasă
- Teste, instrumente
- Cursuri
- SHL Training Academy: cursuri gratuite
- Assessment/Development Centre (AC/DC)
- Selectare şi dezvoltare cu ajutorul testelor
- Metodologia evaluării 360 de grade
- Interviul bazat pe competenţe
- Rolul HR-ului în Dezvoltarea Organizaţională
- Training de managementul stresului
- Cu busola între generații
- Despre Resurse Umane pe scurt
- Despre noi
- Contact