Talent assessment with SHL’s tools
The last few years, our lives have changed in many aspects, including our shopping customs. Organizations quickly realized that they needed to adapt to the customer needs as soon as possible.
SHL’s General Interactive Ability Test (Interactive G+)
SHL’s General Interactive Ability Test measures the candidate’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These measurements are particularly useful in positions that require complex thinking.
Individual and group online coaching
Adjusting to the circumstances affected by the pandemic, SHL Hungary Ltd. is offering online development methods in the form of group and individual coaching.
Recruiting graduates – How can we avoid costly mistakes?
Many talented young people graduate year by year. Attracting talented graduates and selecting the best talent is increasingly important.
The online blue-collar platform
We are starting our next „Selection and development with tests and questionnaires (OT/OPQ)” themed online training on February 14th. In this blogpost, we are introducing our online blue-collar platform which is part of the training's material.
Online cognitive ability tests – the Adaptive Vocabulary Test
Szilvia Fodor and Balázs Klein have recently released their article about the Hungarian Templeton Program in the Hungarian Journal of Psychology. The program has proved to be effective in talent recognition.
Finding the great manager
Managers play an essential and impactful role in an organization’s life. Today’s work environment makes their position even more crucial, as they are the ones who organize remote workers as well as in-office employees, they also lead the team during crisis, provide stability, and maintain trust and efficiency in the organization.
Creating the structured interview using the SHL Set of Interview Questions
The structured interview is a key part of recruitment and selection. It helps us to know a lot about the candidate, and the candidate can also get to know the position and our organization.
How to make the most of online recruitment?
A well-constructed video is a crucial part of online recruitment. Based on our experiences, we suggest 3 tips on making virtual selection efficient.