Apollo-syndrome | SHL Hungary



Have you heard about Apollo-syndrome?

When we would like to create a really good team of leaders, we might think that we should choose highly intelligent people with strong cognitive and analytic skills. But are these teams truly successful in real life?

In a research at the Henley Institute Meredith Belbin created teams based on their intelligence. The team with the most intelligent members was called the ’Apollo-team’. In contrast with everyone’s preconception they couldn’t win, they’ve even ended at the last place of all teams.

How could they lose?

In these teams the work atmosphere was frustrating and full of endless debates. They were too critical with each other, everyone was wedded to their own opinion. Most of the time they couldn’t make decisions and it was difficult to control the group.

The reason behind the unsuccess can be pression of our culture and education. If someone is intelligent and has the ability to get high marks they have to be the „best” in every situation. Even the second place can be marked as „losing”, so they have to keep competing to win the appreciation of their family or teachers.

How can they success?

In our everyday life there is plenty of situation where the team members are highly intelligent people. Even if their cognitive skills are beyond average, they have to be able to work together and help each other

They can be the most efficient in cases where they can choose the members for themselves. In this way everyone is an expert from a different field, so they can help each other and work together. 
Even if they don’t like to have a leader or it’s difficult to choose one, they should find someone who can see the problems from a different perspective and mediate the conflicts of the team. It’s also important to share every exercise and resource. 

Intelligence and critical thinking are both important skills, but we should remember: in a successful team we need members who can conform and co-operate with each other.

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