Automated Spoken English Evaluation (SVAR) | SHL Hungary

Automated Spoken English Evaluation (SVAR)

Automated spoken English test that measures fluency, pronunciation, active listening, vocabulary, grammar and spoken English understanding.

SVAR is an automated evaluation tool that provides a fair, consistent and a completely automated way to scientifically assess a person's English speaking, listening and comprehension skills. The test can prove beneficial in the hiring process of various job profiles like customer support executives, front office executives, client sales and servicing personnel, telecallers and in other job roles that require excellent communication skills.

The competencies assessed by SVAR include:

  • Fluency: The ability to express oneself effortlessly and articulately. Speech is delivered with correct rhythm and intonation.
  • Pronunciation: The ability to articulate words in a manner that is generally understood by native and non-native speakers. Speech is delivered with a neutral accent.
  • Active Listening: The ability to comprehend and remember spoken information; to compensate for unfamiliar or missed words and to anticipate upcoming details, based on the context of the speech.
  • Spoken English Understanding: The ability to discern main ideas and details in spoken information. The ability to comprehend the speaker's intent and to respond accordingly.
  • Vocabulary: The ability to recognize words and phrases, as well as the proper context for words with similar meanings.
  • Grammar: The ability to construct proper sentences and paragraphs using correct syntax.
  • Extempore Speech: The ability to produce logical and coherent speech with proper syntax, at an even rate of speed, and with a neutral accent.

Indeed, the abilities assessed by SVAR are critical for the selection of effective employees in a wide range of positions.

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